Let's Talk
Light Therapy
After TEN YEARS of stem cell research & 70 patents: x39, a wearable phototherapy patch that helps to regenerate and repair your body, was created.
How does it work? By increasing your body's natural production of the GHK copper peptide and reactivating helpful cells, all through ONLY the power of you own body's infrared light - there is nothing going IN your body.
From less pain, aging, and inflammation, to better energy, sleep, and healing... this small device can do some big things in our bodies.

A look into the technology
How these patches will help YOU may look different from me, but 97% of people see results from wearing this within 90 days, and after seeing how it's helped my close family and friends (and myself), I knew I wanted to be apart of the movement to get this patch in more people's homes.
If you're ready to grab your X39 patches...
Enrollment Packs

There's a 30 day money back guarantee! Because of clinical data, we always suggest committing to a minimum 90 days on the patch.
Our most popular is the Core Pack = 90 day supply for 1, because clinical data shows you should use it for 90 days (and this is the cheapest route!) or a month for every decade you've been alive. You can also split this with a family member and then go on autoship to continue the 90 day journey!
if you rather a longer call to learn all about light therapy too...
Tune into this past call:
Or watch this SHORT 17min call by clicking here instead!
0-8 minutes: Light Therapy 101
8-27min: about this technology
27-32min + 36-38min: 2 very powerful testimonials
40min and on: the company and business side
Looking for red light devices instead? Here's 40% off my favorite portable one here!
Or another brand I love with redlight masks for face + EMF blocking products HERE. (save with code SGM)
X39 Patch
Stem Cell Activation.
Made from organic crystals that reflect back your own light to make change in your body. This process is called photobiomodulation. Light works fast to support the natural flow of energy in your body, restoring optimal health in a non-transdermal, non-invasive and safe way

Regenerate and repair back to a healthier state
How? Watch this quick video on phototherapy!


okay, I'm interested, give me the details to try it out!
Grab Your X39 Patches

What Others Are Saying
If you're curious and wanting to learn more about it all, just email me (freshfitnhealthy @ gmail.com ) or message me on instagram here, because I would be happy to chat 1-1 with you about it!
Questions? See some FAQs here!
Still have other questions? Text me! Send the word "PATCH" to 850-332-1198 and we can chat!
I was a big skeptic, here's what changed:
My big sister who I've always stolen clothes from I mean, looked up to, told me some of her friends were using these skin patches that are innovative & patented stem cell technology. I told her it sounded dumb and like a fad, like so many other patches I've seen out there. My husband also felt the same. But my sister felt called to try it out, and decided to give my mom some to try out too.
Back story, my mom is my super hero and role model. She raised us 3 kids almost single-handedly, went back to school to become a nurse anesthetist with 3 littles, and took care of her own health every day somehow despite that all. But I do feel the stress of that all caught up to her, because she's struggled with chronic fatigue for years now. Not to mention I've tried getting her to retire for years and she's still working. She's tried everything. All the different supplements, cleanses, and eats a nutrient dense diet + lives a really healthy lifestyle.
All to say, in passing to her I mentioned how I thought the patches seemed weird and a fad, and she responded, "maybe it is a placebo effect, but every day I wear it, I don't get the midday slumps". THAT caught my attention. What?! You not feeling fatigued??
I literally texted my sister that hour and said, "ok I'll try them, mom just told me she's not fatigued with them, and I've been feeling pretttty off and tired in this postpartum season lately".

Scroll to bottom for my own personal journey using them (documented in real time)!
my personal
Well, when I try something new, I always go in as a skeptic until proven wrong. So naturally I ordered 4 months worth of daily patches, and made not only myself, but close friends and family (and my nanny), wear them to see if we all concluded they helped in one way or another - or they didn't. I had read they could help with fatigue, focus, aches/pains, sleep, and SO many more insanely cool testimonials, but I wanted to see it first hand.
Now, they do say to wear them for 90 days consistently because it's not a magic pill, and even though some people d

I was 4 months postpartum and I had been experiencing pretty bad fatigue/inability to concentrate on work things midday even with "doing all the right things" diet and lifestyle. I thought, I've GOT to have some deficiencies going on, maybe iron, or maybe my thyroid is off like is common in postpartum... so I opted in for a full lab work visit of over 100 biomarkers. I don't say this lightly because I know too many women struggle with the heartbreaking infertility, but I truly took 3 pregnancy tests at different times because I was so fatigued it felt like pregnancy fatigue.And they were all negative, which honestly scared me more because I wondered, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I had assumed my thyroid must be the culprit since that is commonly off postpartum.see little changes within a few days, here was my journey with it!
At the same time my patches came in, the results came back, and to my surprise all the big things I expected to be off (thyroid, key minerals, iron, vitamin D, etc) were IN RANGE, with only my copper, selenium + iodine being a little out of range. So in ruling out any BIG things off that are common postpartum, I said, well, I guess we'll see if the patches do anything!
- I put it on day 1 and... nothing. I actually had a headache that day they came in the mail and was like oooo maybe this will take it away! It didn't. But I knew things can take time and aren't just magic pills.
- Day 2: Nothing again. Well, I take that back, the one thing I saw was I didn't NEED that 2nd cup of coffee midday which I had gotten in a bad habit of. Still wanted it out of habit but didn't need it
- Day 3 of wearing it: still no need for that midday coffee, and usually after lunch it's REALLY hard for me to want to focus back in on work things, but I realized that day I was focused in. Still thought it could be a random occurrence.
- By 1.5 weeks in though, I realized something that really caught my attention. I had been wanting to wake up at 5-530 so I could have 1.5hr+ for quiet time and work time before either of the kiddos needed me, but I kept waiting until my baby girl woke me up around 630, and STILL felt tired even though at 5 months postpartum I was getting a good 7-8hr sleep. Well by that 5th morning, my body was waking up at 530, fully rested and motivated to get up and do things for me before mama mode was activated. And I hadn't changed anything else (wasn't going to bed earlier or adding in any other products!)
- We then did a SUPER quick turnaround trip to Greece, which means 8hr time changes and lots of jet lag usually. Couple that with late night wedding events and wine every night of the 3 full days we had there, and I would usually feel like POOP. But I actually felt REALLY good the whole time! I felt full of energy, never really felt the jetlag (even though I will say I let myself nap once arriving since it's a luxury to be able to nap as a mama and we didn't bring the kids this time!). I can't say how much of this was the patch, since obviously I'm not traveling to Greece for short 3 day trips all the time to compare it with and without the patch haha, but it did interest me and my husband and I kept making the joke the whole time of: it must be the patch!
- My husband, as any typical guy would act to something new like this, said "I mean I'm feeling good throughout the day, is that what it's supposed to do?". Haha, our men aren't usually AS in tune with their bodies or aware of their health, so for him it took a couple weeks of wearing before he could realize it was helping him with overall motivation (working out before work was a hit or miss, and he began waking up every morning and doing that vs sitting on his phone!), energy, and just feeling better in general. He also has had bad eczema since childhood, so we're going to continue to see if this supports that particular area too as the months go on, because that's something that would take some time to heal.
- 6 weeks in: I felt my mood was really stabilizing finally (PP will get ya!), but didn't want to say anything, and then my husband even made the comment, "you've been so nice lately! Keep wearing the patch lol".
- 8 weeks in: I posted and shared online about it for the first time, now confident of it helping others too, and our friend commented on it, "the biggest change I've seen is extremely deep sleep and vivid dreams"... My husband goes, "did you see his comment? I didn't even realize it was doing that for me until seeing his comment but it's totally doing that for me too!" Haha, men, sometimes a litttttle less self-aware of changes in their bodies.
Summary: I've kept "patching" me and my "people" up, and within 60-90 days, we all noticed SOME kind of benefits unique to us. Some even within a couple days! From less fatigue, to better work focus, to more discipline and consistency in working out, to better sleep and waking RESTED actually, to better skin (those fine lines start getting you in motherhood!), and outside of less fatigue for me the biggest one was MOOD. We can all be a little moody as women, especially postpartum. Now diet and lifestyle play a HUGE role in helping these things as well (which I was doing already), but I feel my mood really shifted from a place of feeling anxious/stressed a quickly irritated, to calm and "stable".