Looking for some entrepreneur mindset hacks to achieve your dreams as a nutrition professional? Read this.
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So once you’ve got that checked off, what are some things you can be doing and thinking about when taking off with your own biz?
I want to share 7 entrepreneur tips that really helped me when I was making the transition into starting my own business and becoming a female entrepreneur. It can be a crazy time in life with some major curve balls, but there are several things you should always keep in mind during this time. Because truly, you CAN do this. It’s all about believing in yourself and creating the right mindset to set yourself up for success.
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Top Mindset Hacks for the Entrepreneurial Woman
1. Believe in YOU
You have to believe in yourself and your ability to create your future success. This one is SO important and its first for a reason. It’s totally normal to struggle with confidence from time to time. Trust me, I’ve dealt with plenty of that myself. But when you really think about it, it’s hard to get other people to believe in us and the help we want to give, if we don’t believe in ourselves. If we are constantly second guessing ourselves and thinking we can’t do it, then honestly, we might not. We have to always be reminding ourselves to believe in us.
YOU have to be your biggest fan and know that you can accomplish those goals.
So what to do when a not so good thought pops into your mind? Say 3-5 things that make you feel really good and push out the negative thoughts. Whether it’s reminding yourself of your successes, thinking about something that gets you excited, or anything else that might feel good, don’t let the negative thinking take control.
Another thing I started doing that I truly recommend to EVERYONE, is thinking about things and being grateful for them as if they’ve already happened. For example, “I am so excited to be a best-selling author!” or “I am so grateful for the multiple sources of income I’ve created for myself.” Anything that cultivates good feelings and reminds you that these great things are already in your future.
2. Ditch the fear of failure trying to pop into your mind
Fail UP — remember that “failures” or things not working out as hoped for, WILL happen. That doesn’t mean YOU are a failure, that means it’s time to FAIL UP, learn from it, figure out what needs to change, and keep taking action daily. Failures can often times mean major success in the future, because you’re just becoming more clear on what DOES work.
Plus, there’s no such thing as failure unless you give up. The successful person has failed so many more times than the person than just gave up, they just didn’t let that stop them.
So remember, don’t give up, FAIL UP!
3. Ditch the fear of what others think
People will always think what they want to think. There are some people out there that only speak negativity into life, and there are some people that won’t be huge fans of you- but THAT IS OKAY. There has to be some contrast to really shed light on the good stuff. You have to be okay with not everyone agreeing with your path or how you do things, that’s just part of it! Sometimes those people can even be people that truly have your best interest in mind and love you, but it doesn’t mean you should let their opinion sway you from your dreams.
As long as you know deep down in your heart that you’re doing what’s right and giving it your all, then you can let go of what others think and find true success.
4. Know your value.
You HAVE to believe in your value. When I first started off, I hated the idea of asking people for money or even valuing myself enough to know that what I’m selling is worth it. I had to learn to value what I did, and know that it had the ability to help countless amounts of people. It was just a matter of believing in myself and in my work!
What I learned too was that people’s health, and getting my help with their health, is NOT an expense, it’s a life-long investment. Whatever area of business you are in and whatever product you want to help people with, you should look at it as an investment that they’re making. To improve their health, their career, their happiness, whatever it may be- it is an investment that is adding value to their lives.
So along with believing you can do it, know that you can because your work is valuable. You are worth the price and people will pay for your help!
5. Know your WHY
Your why is a deeper mission than yourself. The reason we do what we do and are passionate about it has to come from something deeper than, “I just want to make X amount of money.” So I seriously recommend taking time today to find that very important reason behind WHY we do what we do.
Because honestly, some days you won’t feel like doing it or even getting out of bed. So our why is there to remind us of our worth and purpose and motivate us to keep going. The why concept is something I even implement with my nutrition clients, because it’s so important to have a deep, motivating reason to always keep us going.
6. Stop being scared of talking about your business or product too much
Here’s a really great realization: people do NOT see everything you post or read everything you write. Be comfortable and confident in telling people what you do, who you are, and what you offer. Plus if we’re being honest, with the algorithms these days, people probably don’t see half of the things that you post!
Have you heard of the Rule of 7?
The Rule of 7 is a marketing principle that states that your prospects need to come across your offer at least seven times before they really notice it and start to take action. Your prospects can be exposed to your offer significantly more than seven times, but they need to see it at least seven times until they’re ready to buy.
You have to constantly talk about your product and service and be so proud of it because you know its worth and you know it can help people. Let go of the fear of annoying people. Talk talk talk about what you do- people want to know!!
7. Get out of your rut and spark motivation through a bold and audacious leap
If you’re just starting up or if you’re stuck in a rut, take a bold leap to get you through the mud. It’s going to look different for everyone, and maybe it’s just starting, or maybe investing a whole day to listen to something that’s going to motivate you, or just finally working on that launch of your dreams. Whatever it may be, the most important thing is to just do it- take the big, audacious leap. Value yourself and believe in your vision enough to invest in yourself for the success of your business
Like I said, we cannot let the fear of failure get to us. Failure can actually be a good thing. If you aren’t failing, you aren’t being BOLD enough. So doing something that scares you but also makes you excited is where you want to be.
What are 1-3 things you can think of that maybe kind of freak you out, but also move you and get you so excited to do it? Write them down. These are the big leaps you need to take!
All in all, it’s important to remember you CAN do this and to believe in yourself. Don’t get down by negative thoughts or failures, allow only positive thoughts and productive practices to go towards your dreams! I believe in you!
Like these 7 mindset hacks? I’m putting on a FREE TRAINING on the EXACT STEPS I took to launch my nutrition business. Stop second guessing, start living out those dreams deep in your heart. Click here to register for free!