Another delicious game day recipe!
We all love those fluffy, creamy deviled eggs. But they are anything but healthy for you. Filled with full fat mayonaise and all of those egg yolks. Thoughts of your pants getting tighter by the egg full…
But now, you can fully enjoy that same delicious deviled egg taste, in a healthy way 🙂
Healthy Deviled Eggs
– 12 Eggs, hard boiled
– 1/4 cup Low Fat Cream Cheese
– 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
– 1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard
– 1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt
– 1/4 teaspoon Paprika
Directions: After hard boiled eggs have cooled, slice in half lengthwise and scoop out the yellow yolks into a bowl. Discard half of the yolks and place the remaining ones in a high speed blender or food processor. Add in all other ingredients. Blend until smooth. Scoop back into empty egg whites. Sprinkle with paprika. Store in refrigerator onhealthy valtrex until serving.
Egg Benefits
1) Rich in the proteins lutein and zeaxanthin, which aid in eye health
2) Aids in cardiovascular health
3) Rich in Choline, a B vitamin that is thought of as brain food” as it aids in neurological function and development
4) Prevents breast cancer
5) Leads to healthy skin, hair and nails- being high in sulfur
6) Contains 6 grams of protein and all the amino acids needed to build protein
Greek Yogurt
1) Help fight tummy fat
2) Contains good-for-you bacteria
3) Loaded with vitamins such as potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, B12 and B5
4) Great recovery after workouts: high source of protein
5) High in calcium
6) Prevents high blood pressure
7) Fights off colds and flus: healthy bacteria fights off the bad and boosts the immune system
8) Protects your teeth: lactic acid in yogurt protects your gums
9) High in protein, about 18-24 grams per serving