Typically I know my posts include a recipe, but this is a little different. I had the amazing opportunity to go to the Europa Orlando Expo this past weekend with the About Time Protein crew, and work alongside of them at our About Time Protein booth! How fun!
I have to say, with never have even been to an expo before, I had NO idea what to expect. But boy am I happy I decided to give it a chance and go!
When I got there Friday morning, I got to meet a couple of the About Time team members, Chanel Collette and Magan Bell. I have talked to Chanel over the phone and through email, but it was so great finally meeting the face of About Time Protein in person. Us three walked straight over to the expo after checking into our hotel, and began spinning out booth’s wheel for our fans right away. Man was it popular! From it starting at noon to it ending at 9pm, there was never NOT a line to spin the wheel! People were loving our booth and the free About Time products, and I was absolutely loving the fun, upbeat environment of the expo as I got to meet and talk to new people all day long.
Even when I stopped “working” at 6pm, I stayed around till the end just walking around to other booths and meeting so many great people, trying out all the other protein companies products (yes, all. Let’s just say I’m a LITTLE protein’ed out!), meeting the rest of our team (Corrie, Tanya, and Nik) and getting my day’s work out in by doing a few reps of this..
(just kidding)
After the first day at the expo came to an end, our About Time team packed up and headed back to the hotel, quickly changed, and headed out to dinner as we were all starving and wanted real food for one..anything but another protein bar or shake! We met up with the MRI team to eat and it was such a fun dinner.

Veggie Platter with Sweetened Carrots, Steamed Green Beans, Grilled Zucchini, Tomato with Blue Cheese, and a little Cucumber and Onion salad…I wanted anything but protein! ๐
Then we headed back to the hotel room for a good night sleep. On my college schedule of course though, my body doesn’t like to go to sleep till about 2am, and doesn’t like to wake up till about 9 or 10 am, but my roomie and now friend Corrie, (and every other person on the team except me), are in quite a different stage of life/schedule haha! She got up at 7am motivated to get a workout in, but this girl right here slept in a little and got ready slowly ๐
Then we were off for the expo for day two! We were onhealthy lexapro sportin our About Time tanks instead of sports bras this time ๐
I didn’t get very many photos from day two, as it was even busier than the first day! But I found time to meet Bruce from Quest Nutrition on the first day! It is always so great to finally meet the people you work with via email and social media face to face. He was such a friendly guy, and of course, gave me some more of my favorite quest bars to stock up on ๐
After a long day the expo was finally coming to an end. But I have to say, never once did I ever look to see what time it was, or look to see how much more time I had to work, because I was having so much fun! I really couldn’t have asked for a more fun experience/weekend. The people I got to work with on the About Time team like Chanel, Nick, Magan, Tanya, and Corrie..the people from other companies I got to meet like Bruce from Quest Nutrition, the guys over at P28 Foods who were are booth neighbors (which by the way their peanut butters and bread are SO good. The bread was unexpectantly so soft and light!), or the MRI team, Kayla, Nick, Mo and Elaine..was such a great experience!
This weekend was one I didn’t know what to expect at all, but one where I had so much fun, met so many great friends, and just got to experience a whole new world when it comes to health and fitness!
p.s. ย Everyone but me on the team had competed before in some kind of fitness competition. I began thinking, hmm, maybe it would be fun to just try out once and a way to gain some serious motivation to be fit in a whole new way.ย Some of the team thinks I could be good at the bikini contests… We shall see!
Of and I am definitely set for AWHILE with all my delicious About Time products, and many other protein products from other companies!
If you’d like to try About Time Protein, go to their website here and use the code: fff1 for a 25% discount off your entire purchase!! ย ๐ With it being all natural and only using stevia to sweeten, it is the ONLY powder that doesn’t upset my stomach! We have Whey, Casein, Vegan powders, AUX preworkout, and paleo bars (coconut, brownie, or pecan pie), and protein granola! Come check it out here!