I wanted to create a more in-depth post on how I even stumbled upon this new product I had never heard about before, what made me go from skeptic to “ok I’ll try it”, and more of the science I’ve learned and what I’ve seen in my own journey using it since!
This is a wearable phototherapy patch
that helps to regenerate and repair your body,
with the power of infrared light.
From less pain, aging, and inflammation,
to better energy, sleep, and healing…
this small device can do some big things in our bodies.
How this will help YOU may look different from me, but 97% of people see results from wearing this within 90 days.

I knew I wanted to be apart of the movement to get this patch in more people’s homes.
If you’re already ready to get started with your order, click here for enrollment kits OR you can go the preferred customer route here. (ps: 30 day money back guarantee!)
(many go with the kits since it allows you to share it with people too!)
If you’re just coming here to figure it all out, keep reading…

From Big Skeptic to *Slightly* Less Skeptic – Story Time:
My big sister who I’ve always stolen clothes from I mean, looked up to, told me some of her friends were using these skin patches that are innovative & patented stem cell technology. I told her it sounded dumb and like a fad, like so many other patches I’ve seen out there. My husband also felt the same. But my sister felt called to try it out, and decided to give my mom some to try out too.
Back story, my mom is my super hero and role model. She raised us 3 kids almost single-handedly, went back to school to become a nurse anesthetist with 3 littles, and took care of her own health every day somehow despite that all. But I do feel the stress of that all caught up to her, because she’s struggled with chronic fatigue for years now. Not to mention I’ve tried getting her to retire for years and she’s still working. She’s tried everything. All the different supplements, cleanses, and eats a nutrient dense diet + lives a really healthy lifestyle.
All to say, in passing to her I mentioned how I thought the patches seemed weird and a fad, and she responded, “I maybe it is a placebo effect, but every day I wear it, I don’t get the midday slumps”. THAT caught my attention. What?! You not feeling fatigued??
I literally texted my sister that hour and said, “ok I’ll try them, mom just told me she’s not fatigued with them, and I’ve been feeling pretttty off and tired in this postpartum season lately”.
My Personal Journey Using Them (documented in real time):
Well, when I try something new, I always go in as a skeptic until proven wrong. So naturally I ordered 4 months worth of daily patches, and made not only myself, but close friends and family (and my nanny), wear them to see if we all concluded they helped in one way or another – or they didn’t. I had read they could help with fatigue, focus, aches/pains, sleep, and SO many more insanely cool testimonials, but I wanted to see it first hand.
Now, they do say to wear them for 90 days consistently because it’s not a magic pill (you can see with the video below how it works), but some people do see little changes within a few days even!
- I put it on day 1 and… nothing. Well, I take that back, the one thing I saw was I didn’t NEED that 2nd cup of coffee midday which I had gotten in a bad habit of. Still wanted it out of habit but didn’t need it 🙂
- Day 2 of wearing it: still no need for that midday coffee, and usually after lunch it’s REALLY hard for me to want to focus back in on work things, but I realized that day I was focused in. Still thought it could be a random occurrence.
- By day 5 though, I realized something that really caught my attention. I had been wanting to wake up at 5-530 so I could have 1.5hr+ for quiet time and work time before either of the kiddos needed me, but I kept waiting until my baby girl woke me up around 630, and STILL felt tired even though at 5 months postpartum I was getting a good 7-8hr sleep. Well by that 5th morning, my body was waking up at 530, fully rested and motivated to get up and do things for me before mama mode was activated.
- We then did a SUPER quick turnaround trip to Greece, which means 8hr time changes and lots of jet lag usually. Couple that with late night wedding events and wine every night of the 3 full days we had there, and I would usually feel like POOP. But I actually felt REALLY good the whole time! I felt full of energy, never really felt the jetlag (even though I will say I let myself nap once arriving since it’s a luxery to be able to nap as a mama and we didn’t bring the kids this time!). I can’t say how much of this was the patch, since obviosuly I’m not traveling to Greece for short 3 day trips all the time to compare it with and without the patch haha, but it did interest me and my husband and I kept making the joke the whole time of: it must be the patch!
- My husband, as any typical guy would act to something new like this, said “I mean I’m feeling good throughout the day, is that what it’s supposed to do?”. Haha, our men aren’t usually AS in tune with their bodies or aware of their health, so for him it took a couple weeks of wearing before he could realize it was helping him with overall motivation (working out before work was a hit or miss, and he began waking up every morning and doing that vs sitting on his phone!), energy, and just feeling better in general. He also has had bad eczema since childhood, so we’re going to continue to see if this supports that particular area too as the months go on, because that’s something that would take some time to heal.
I kept “patching” me and my people up, and within 30 days, we all noticed SOME kind of benefits unique to us. Some even within a couple days! From less fatigue (I even got extensive blood work because I thought something must be off postpartum with how tired I was!), to better work focus, to more discipline and consistency in working out, to better sleep and waking RESTED actually, to better skin (those fine lines start getting you in motherhood!), and outside of less fatigue for me the biggest one was MOOD. We can all be a little moody as women, especially postpartum. Now diet and lifestyle play a HUGE role in helping these things as well (which I was doing already), but I feel my mood really shifted from a place of feeling anxious/stressed and quickly irritated, to calm and “stable”.
Here is what just one friend said:
My Conclusion:
OBVIOUSLY diet and lifestyle are two BIG factors in your overall health and wellbeing. But I’ve also always believed specific supplements and products have their role too. And this stem cell technology, even though a newer area I’ve been educating myself in more, is an amazing “tool” to add to your healthy lifestyle if you can. I’ll share just HOW this works down below as I’ve slowly learned, if you’re still reading and interested.
I think the BIGGEST thing I see holding people back is CONSISTENCY in any of the “healthy living to dos”, and this patch will help in 2 ways with that: 1 – it’s super easy to be consistent with – just put the patch on every morning and take off after 12hr. 12hrs on, 12hrs off.
And 2) it can help you FEEL better so you can actually be consistent with all the other things that are good for us – hello healthy diet and lifestyle!
Ok if you’re still reading and interested in WHAT they are and HOW they work:
X39 Patches
See, all life originates with the SUN, through photosynthesis – all plants collect light and all living creatures emit light. Humans actually emit infrared light. Our bodies emits heat, including heat in the infrared spectrum. These patches are designed to trap this infrared energy when placed on the body, which causes them to reflect it back to stimulate specific points on the skin that can promote a general state of health and healthy activity unique to each patch.
This quick video sums it up well!
Or a more in-depth video if you want to know a lot of the details here:
Patented Technology: The Proof is in the Patent!
Here are just a few things you may experience,
that are proven results in clinical studies:
- The Patents & Science from Lifewave
- 90+ Clinical Studies: Backed by more than 90 independent studies conducted at world-class universities and research institutions, our unmatched health technology improves and extends lives
- Age Reversal with Copper Peptide
- The Story of X39
If you’re like, okay, I’m interested, give me the details to try it out!
Here is the website you can grab the patches from: https://www.lifewave.com/sarahgracemeck
You can join as a preferred customer, but most sign up by
- clicking “JOIN” on top menu or just going straight to the enrollment kits here
- picking a package (silver is most popular — or gold if you’re going to want to give some to friends and family to try out / are business-minded)
- Why try it out this way? because given you will probably love it as much as my family/friends and I have, you’ll want to share about it too — and you can get your own personal link to do just that + wholesale pricing when you pick one of the packages vs going the customer way!
If you’re curious and wanting to learn more about it all, just email me (freshfitnhealthy @ gmail.com ) or message me on instagram here, because I would be happy to chat 1-1 with you about it!
BUY PATCHES HERE (30 Day Money Back Guarantee!)
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