Anyone else have all these great plans to finally stay organized for once..only to have fall come around with all of its chaos and commotion and all of those high hopes slowly go down the drain?
Yeah, you’re not alone.
Which is why I wanted to share with you the top few ways I PLAN on finally staying organized this year. From a perfectionist like this girl, I cannot stand the feeling of being overwhelmed and disorganized.
And no, the answer for avoiding stress does not lie at the bottom of an ice cream container.. (but I did write a blog post on how to avoid stress in your mornings HERE and exercises to help stress HERE!)
So let’s get to the top few ways I’m starting my semester out organized as a sport’s nutrition master’s student, dietetic intern, and a girl who is also involved in a research study, is a blogger/instagrammer/youtuber and is personally training people as a CPT! Whew, that was a long winded one!
Alright here is what I’m currently doing! First week of classes, so far so good!
- Get a planner and make it your life! I can’t tell you how much easier it makes it for me to stay organized when I have my planner on me at all times so that whenever I have something to add, I do it right then and there and never forget about anything I have scheduled!
- Make Lists: To Do lists, Your Day’s Schedule, Grocery lists, Cleaning name it. Anyone else out there immediately pull out a paper and make a list as soon as they begin feeling stressed? I don’t know why it instantly makes me feel a LITTLE better..
- Get Creative: Make staying organized something fun for you. Get a planner you love, and fun white boards or chalk boards or cork boards for your room to decorate and help you stay on track and up to date with everything! (I currently have all three types of boards in my apartment hanging haha). The more fun you have with it, the more likely you’ll remember to look at it and keep it updated. (because yes, I have bought planners and white board calendars before, only to never update them onhealthy cymbalta after week 1).
How do I specifically do all of these three? Well I heard about this company called Me and My Big Ideas after seeing a cute post on instagram of their new planners, and instantly got excited.
Right when I went to their website for this “Happy Planner”, I was sold. I mean, how cute?!
Now I usually see things like this and get excited..but then see the price and say NO WAY. (anyone else on a budget like me?!) But then I saw $24.99 and I was like whattttt. DEAL. But then they were super generous and sent me one to try out!
And guess what?! They were super generous to YOU TOO, because they gave me a 20% off code for YOU ALL TO USE! IT’s HCSARAHG 🙂
That brings down the price to under $20!!
And I am NOT a creative girl AT ALL. But with all the stickers and little decorations you can get for them..even the most unartistic of us can have such a cute planner!
I already filled out my entire September calendar in order to STAY ON TOP OF MY GAME. (two trips in one month, yeppp so excited! anyone going to either playlist in DC or Olympia in Vegas?!)
& HOW USEFUL..I got these add in sheets for grocery lists/meal planning, monthly budgets, cleaning, and to do lists!
So everything I need to do (aka, my life) is literally IN ONE PLACE
This Happy Planner™ is an expandable, disc bound planner system that combines your love for creativity with your need for organization. Each 18 month planner features a unique layout with monthly and weekly views. And not only goes all the way from July 2015 – December 2016, but are filled with creative and inspirational artwork to help keep you motivated and inspired!
But no matter which one you buy..
Remember my top three tips!
- Get a PLANNER and carry it with you EVERYWHERE.
- Make LISTS.
Now that I’ve shared my top three ways to stay organized..