Welcome, i'm
Sarah Grace Meckelberg
I’m a hormone-focused registered dietitian and ex-D1 athlete gone serial creator and entrepreneur who loves the Lord. Current obsessions: anything pumpkin, skinny spicy margaritas, athletic clothes (I’m uncertain if I actually ever wear real clothes) and my “ME time” (hello extro-introvert).
Like what you’re reading? Continue on my friend.
Some people know me as one of these:
Sarah Grace – a renowned media dietitian, hormone-focused licensed nutritionist, speaker, online social media influencer, founder of Fresh Fit n Healthy, the author of the book Chasing Freedom, the Ex-D1 athlete, or my favorite, “the runner” (favorite because I’m a retired runner these day).
But if you asked me?
I’m a serial creator and entrepreneur that has a passion for living out a healthy, balanced, more holistic lifestyle to keep my hormones happy and optimize my overall health -- and love helping others do the same. I specialize in empowering women to learn how to make sustainable, realistic nutrition & lifestyle changes to support healthy hormones and feel their best, so that they can be their best in the areas that matter most to them -- which I do through both my free online content, my e-courses, and my all-inclusive hormone balancing program, Hormone Healing Academy.
But when I got out of school, I realized very few were even talking about this topic, let alone actually helping women balance their hormones in a natural way. That’s why I ditched the typical dietitian route and blazed my own trail online.
With over 10 years of experience in the nutrition industry and over 700,000 followers worldwide combined, I have dedicated my career to helping women say goodbye to the fad diets and imbalanced hormones holding them back in life from feeling their best, and create a truly healthy, balanced lifestyle while supporting healthy hormone levels.
But it wasn’t always bright and shiny for this Florida born and raised girl with the double name Sarah Grace. But I always end up finding PURPOSE in my pain, and being able to help more women out because of it.
See, early on in highschool, there were days where I didn’t feel like going on. A lot of hard things came up in my personal life and was caused not only ton of pain, but a feeling of no control over my life. I didn’t see a point of living if I’m honest. And because of that, I not only began feeling dead on the inside, but started slowly looking dead on the outside as I spiraled down into an eating disorder. I began believing everything out there in the media telling me if you were only 10lbs lighter, I would be loved. I would be happy. But once getting there I realized it was all lies. That “special number” I had in my mind that would make me happy and give me a “sense of control”, actually took away any happiness or sense of control I had left at the time.
But #25 of my 26 life lessons I shared on my 26th birthday: Every single day, WE have the choice to change our current quality of life. And I finally woke up and chose LIFE. I chose that despite my feelings and emotions, I was going to begin honoring God’s temple and reach my potential in this one life I had to live. And when fully healed, it's what sparked my passion to become a registered dietitian in college.
Years after recovering and being free from my eating disorder, I went through another valley in life:
Which is what sparked the passion inside of me for helping women worldwide balance their hormones naturally after finding out how to heal myself.
See some transformations are invisible to the public eye... but that doesn't make them any less life changing.
Back in 2018 when I got engaged, I was give hormonal birth control to take -- being told "it was the ONLY way I wouldn't get pregnant" (which I've now learned is false). And I became someone I didn't even recognize.
In the photo above on the left:
I took this photo in the gynecologist bathroom, and shared for the very first time with my online family how badly I was suffering after I was put on birth control. I:
👉🏻was an emotional roller coaster
👉🏻couldn’t sleep/stay asleep
👉🏻feeling so fatigued even after enough sleep
👉🏻had a depression-like cloud over me
👉🏻no sex drive or motivation for life
😞the only way I could voice it to my fiancé at the time? “I don’t feel like me. I’m not me”
But on the right, after months of consistently following a diet, lifestyle, and specific supplement protocol - as I became my own guinea pig since none of the doctors would help me in a more natural way?
👉🏻emotional stability
👉🏻sleeping like a baby
👉🏻returned passion & motivation
👉🏻depression-like fog was lifted
👉🏻sex drive returned
💃🏼I felt like ME again. Passionate, driven, silly ME again.
And guess what? I've gone through this cycle again after entering this stage of pregnancy, postpartum, and overall motherhood - and had to rebalance my hormones once again. But this time I had the blueprint to follow and the process was a lotttt more simple and quick.
And to my friend out there reading this right now that feels she is in a similar place as I was:
Change doesn’t happen overnight. It doesn’t happen with just one a magic pill.
But when you follow a roadmap consistently that focuses on fixing the ROOT, versus just masking with a bandaid, REAL CHANGE is possible.
Your symptoms are signs.
Instead of stiff arming your body into submission, let’s heal the root causes.
That's exactly why I created Hormone Healing Academy, your A-Z blueprint back to balance 🙂
Learn more about Hormone Healing Academy here: https://www.sarahgracemeck.com/hormonehealing
We were able to prevent pregnancy for over 2 years... and when we were ready to start a family?
The ultimate transformation. From the days of slowly starving and killing my body & hormone imbalance days --> to forming a HUMAN inside of me. Baby Meckelberg expected in April 2022 🙂
So where am I at now?
Like I mentioned earlier, I’m a serial creator. So I spend a few days a week just creating helpful hormone content (in my pajamas wrapped up in a blanket like this most days). The result? All of my free content online & only the best content inside Hormone Healing Academy, for women to take back their health & not only get by in life, but THRIVE (no matter where in the world they are!). I’m always adding new content to the blog, Instagram, podcast, and youtube channel from recipes to hormone health chats to nutrition tips to even real SOULutions and life talk!
Outside of work, I love spending time recharging with outdoor adventures and spontaneous trips. I also spend a good amount of time with my hubby after meeting him the craziest way and being engaged in under 6 months (you can read about our story and proposal here if you’d like), and my baby boy. And now being pregnant with our SECOND child, we are excitedly awaiting the arrival of our baby GIRL in 2024 🙂 But honestly, I’m extremely independent, and an introvert at heart despite seeming extroverted at times. So you’ll actually find me totally alone doing who knows what pretty often, yet 100% content.
That’s enough about me right now. But if you’d like to connect more, I’d love to hear from you by clicking the photo below!
ps: wanting to jumpstart your hormone balancing journey for FREE?
Check out ALL my free resources, including free masterclasses, a meal plan, and more - RIGHT HERE!
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Sarah Grace Meckelberg
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Sarah's Blog
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Check out these FREE Resources
Transform Your Body Free Class
Learn WHAT is holding you back from change, and the steps to take to fully transform your body both inside and out.
Your Roadmap Off Hormonal Birth Control
Free class for those still on or wanting to come off hormonal birth control, to learn how to support and rebalance their bodies!
Are My Hormones Imbalanced?!
Take the free quiz to find out!
Real SOULutions Podcast
From hormone health to overall wellness, life and more - tune into all our episodes here!